Thursday, August 18, 2011

Outfit for First Day of High School?

So i start my freshman year:))) in a few weeks, and i have no clue what to wear. I was really hoping some of you polyvore pros could throw something together to help me out, but if you just wanna type out your suggestions, thats cool too. Just keep in mind that my style is boho and earthy, pretty laid back with a Cali vibe (think the hills, or lc!! haha); not edgy at allll. Also, i live in alabama, its pretty hot in august, so no jeans or sleeves please? thanks:)

If you lived in the 1600's what would your job be? what would your life be like?

i would captain a ship in the british royal navy. i would sail off the coast of africa and plunder enemy ships. when i had enough loot i would buy my own ship but get a charter from the queen so i could still plunder enemy ships. i would still sail the coast of africa but i would concentrate more on being a merchant. buying goods from africa, sailing them far away and making alot of money from them. and back then in africa they considered gl beads high currency and gold and diamonds were even below the gl beads, i still would not take advantage of them though. you could still be filthy rich without doing that.


ok so my mom was driving in the winn dixie parking lot when she noticed a animal on the ground. she thought it was a dead animal but cars kept going around it. so she pulled up next to it and saw that it was a very small puppy. she took it home and it wont do much. it just stays close to u and tries to cuddle up nxt to u. and it wont eat or drink. and it walks weird, like it ducks close to the ground. we think it is too young to be away from its mother or eat or drink water. the puppy also has bald spots on its back. the skin is its natural skin color and feels normal. just bald. i was wondering if it could be mange? also how do puppies get mange? and is it contagious to other dogs? (we have 4 dogs)

Clic but original names for a baby girl?

My husband and I are expecting this summer and are trying to come up with some baby name ideas.. So far names that sound clic have really caught our attention, but not overused ones like Elizabeth, Grace. We like Beatrice a lot, as well as Emmeline and January. We are also considering a bit more unique names with cultural significance, such as Scout and Hero. (From To Kill a Mockingbird and Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing, respectively). Any thoughts about these names, or other suggestions? Thanks! x

To kill a mocking bird questions best awnser 10 points?

atticus, thoughtful, nathan radley, Miss Maudie understands that Scout deserves respect. Tom believes that his appeal is doomed to fail. The narrator and the reader have similar experiences. Everyone should be treated with respect. after Scout�s first day of school, when Atticus discusses the Ewells with her. Boo kills Bob Ewell when he attacks the Finch children. third-person point of view. It stands for hurting the innocent. hostile, angry. They become bitter and resentful of many people in Maycomb. He treats them respectfully and with understanding. They have all helped to care for Mrs. Dubose. Understanding people is the way to overcome his own prejudices.

Wii Fit in Newcastle Upon Tyne?

Anyone know if there are any shops in Newcastle that have Wii Fits in stock at the mo? I tried all over the place last week but couldn't find one. Thank you x x x

Should the oral interview vis-a-vis the Viva -Vice be banned?

we talk of level playing field. what we overlook that appointments to PVT firms are mostly based on the oral interview conducted by the chosen representatives of the employers. And this is the lethal weapon that those so called impartial Brahmin First uses to reject best of the lower csate candidates .

Hey...Edward Scissorhands? Anyone? *CLICK PLEASE!*?

Hi. So, I'm doing a text response essay (well, not really. i mean, i finished it, but yeah) and my topic was: edward scissor-hands, is it a love story? My 3 points were: edward and kim, kim and jim and the family-love. What else do you think in the movie has aspects of love? why? Plus, Edward is so cute, especially when he gives that tiny smile. aww! thanks in advance.

How come Americans only see English people as having posh accents and not northern accents?

Do Americans actually know about all the different accents in England? Like Liverpool, Newcastle, Manchester, somerset, bristol ect.

Breeder gave us a girl kitten that is actually a boy???

With kittens it is sometimes difficult to tell if it's a boy or girl until they develop more fully. The vet will know.

Does 2001 montero sport have a timing chain or timing belt?

And they're interference motors, so when the water pump seizes, (It will if you don't change it when Bax says) It'll lighten your wallet by about $5000 for a motor.

What Can I do About an Evil family member?

Its and in law and I am keeping very low tech, as the person in question is very snoopy and searches for me over the internet all the time they even quit their job to stay at home and constantly search for me, what I am to do this person emails me constantly and even though I continue to try to ignore it, this person keeps it up as if its were some game, I have dealt with this person for several years now, this person in no blood, other then in law .... I know some in laws don't get along but I get along with all mine but this person , this person turned this persons partner againest me, when we used to get along out of friendship and nwo we hate each other, on top of all this this person emails me threating harsh and very disturbing emails, as well as calls non stop over and over my family on my husbands side believes this person to be pyscho and needs help, This person would come over all hours over the night , and this person does these things just to see a reaction from me,

Do colleges look at freshmen year grades?

I want to go to Um dartmouth really bad. My freshmen year grades aren't so great. I have a couple of a's and b's the rest c's and one d in math. I have pre ap English and two honors cles next year. I wanna get all a's for the rest of high school because I want to be an rn. So do I have a chance?

How to tame my nappy hair please help!?

Ok so i have naturally wavy hair but i could never wear it just natural becuase it poofs up on me and gets really frizzy!what kind of products can i put in my hair to make it look nice?like starting from when i get out of the shower what can i do from there?please help

My friend just had a baby, and is stuck between two names- Krystal or Nicole. How does"Krystal Nicole" sound?

Krystal Nicole sound lovely, have you thought about spelling it with a C. Crystal Nicole, i dunno, i think it looks nicer!!

Does anyone know where turkey hill iced tea is in denver CO?

I lived in wilkes barre PA but now i have moved to denver CO and i need turkey hill iced. i am addicted basically. but seriously someone please help me find it

This is really embarring but I NEED help. About a kiss that sort of... went wrong?

It's never happened to me, but I can relate to how you feel. It's normal for dudes to have s when they're with their girlfriends, and half the time, they DON'T want it to happen. I'm sure that he didn't mean for it to just...sort of did happen.

I need a GOOD brow pencil..?

girl if you dont go to your local chinese shop...a.k.a. beauty supply store they have wonderful more

Is this a good idea or are there any options to give me?

Yeah definetlly man go for everything and those rushing stats are pretty good for 68 carries. And you know Micheal Jordan didn't even make his high school team. I'm an offensive center in high school that wants to go pro, but my problem is i'm only going to be 5'10.

Hi anybody preparing for June 09 L1 CFA exams?any suggestions/tips from those who already cleared?

I'll be taking Level 3 next June. I would absolutely advise you to start early with the preparation. If you have the money, go ahead and register now. You don't need to get heavy into the readings yet, but if you order now you can be an expert on ethics by the end of September. The most important part is read the LOS. The LOS will tell you exactly what part of each concept you need to know. It isn't uncommon for first timers to memorize a million different formulas and not spend any time learning the concepts and not being able to understand the exam. Finally, the end of reading questions are imperative. At the end of a chapter you will be given several questions - usually they aren't multiple choice. However, they are always harder than the real thing. If you can get those right you should be ready by June.

What is the best ACR cl on mw2?

A cl I had success with most of the time (before MW2 got ridiculously annoying), was ACR silencer, scavenger, stopping power, ninja, any secondary you want, stun and semtex.

Please please me :(((?

We had our baby girl two months ago and she is the center of our lives now. We are really happy to have her but i and my husband keep on crying on small things. She smiles we cry, she coos we cry, she cries we cry, We are just over whelmed by this whole parenthood experience and can not even imagine a life without her. We just keep on looking at her and want her in front of our eyes all the times. Do you think it is normal to be like this after having a baby? She is our first and this all very new for us. Not only this but we seem to be really sensitive towards many things in life too. Now when we know we are parents and how we feel towards our baby, we are getting more caring towards our parents too. We also start crying while watching emotional scenes in movies. I don't believe how our lives are changing. We are completely new persons. Please help me. Tell me how to control our tears which are ready to come out all the times for nothing.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I need xbox live help someone help

hey i got a sprint pcs modem im trying to connect to xbox live and everytime i get to mtu it says "failed" any help?

How do i get my horse to lower her head without being rough on her mouth? Would using a collar work?

My beautiful paint horse used to be a show horse before i bought her and lately when asking her to trot and lope she will not keep her head down which causes me to not be in full control of her. She is a great horse and i just want her to live up to her full potential. Ive done some research and i see some people use a martingale and others use a collar. I just want to know what would help.

Why are there only two episodes of the young Jesus in the Bible ?

It also doesn't make sense that Mary was all questioning...didn't she remember that God had impregnated her..was she expecting a normal child.

If you can't appreciate the Pats, why do you even watch football, or any sport for that matter?

If you're a fan because you have some issues with inadequacy and need to live vicariously through the success of others then you should spend time on a couch in an office and not your living room.

How can I open Pokemon Quartz?

the easist way to play rom hacks is to put a clean rom of the game in a folder with the hacks IPS file. Rename the IPS file so it has the exact same name as the rom and then run the rom. It should be pokemon quartz

My wife and I are considering bankrupcty, my wife is listed on her mothers deed to her house is this an et?

Can the bankrupcty trustee go after her mother's house to recoup losses? My wife is only on the deed with her brother to avoid inheritence taxes if her mom dies. The house is paid for in full and does not have a homestead attached to it.

Question about melanoma staging.....?

My oncologist is telling me that my melanoma is stage 0 and the surgeon that did my second surgery and lymph node bio is saying it is stage 1? why would there be differing opinions?

Where can I find spooky toys for a toddler?

I have been combing the net looking for a witch/vampire/werewolf/anything spooky soft toy or just anything Halloween related at this point but they all seem to be for ages 3 . I need something for my nephew who will only be 18 months (I want him to know monsters and spooky stuff can be fun) as a Halloween gift and I am starting shopping now as I anticipated this difficulty. Anyone who can help with get my undying gratitude

How to get over the unrequited love from a best friend?

I have known this guy for three years now and pretty much have been enamored with him since we met. He's just a great guy, he's gotten me through some pretty dark times of my life. I have known I'm in the "just friends" category for a little over a year. (I actually lived with this guy last year). We still occasionally sleep in each others beds and there's been some flirtation lately, but I'm in the "just friends" category. How can I get OUT of lust with this guy besides not talking to him. I really can't loose a friend right now.

What would be a short funny myspace display name?

my name is skyler ,i just cant think of any good ones and all my friends have creative display names

How do i make money NOT ONLINE?

Well im 14 and there is a shotgun im buying well its $380 then i have to pay $25 shipping $30 for the ffl dealer to have it shipped there and $45 for ammo i only have $270..saved from my birthday

Need computer genius to help with vista problem?

I have googled this man times, but it seems no one has encountered this before!! Basically my screensaver won't come up. It may seem not a big deal, but when I try to preview the screensaver, it lasts for like a millisecond and then goes away. So basically, a key is being pressed every second on my computer but I do not know what. I have a program that will tell you a key that you press. When I run this it automatically puts a bunch of spaces in the result, so the key is like a blank character. This may not seem like a problem, but it interferes with everything!!! I can't set controls in any game i play because it will automatically set that key to any action!! Also I just realized it interferes with drop down menus. It like makes the menu go away as soon as i click on it.

Can a 500 (rms) amp push a 750 (rms) sub?

I recently bought a 12" CVX kicker that is 750 watts (rms) and has a peak of 1500. I found a kenwood KAC 8104D for a pretty good price and puts out 500 (rms) and 1000 peak power. Can this amp push my sub without any problems, or should i look for an amp with a higher (rms)? I wouldnt want my amp to heat up....

BOYY TROUBLEEE help please girlss onlyy !!!!!!!!!?

well im 16 a sophmore and i talk to this senior . hes really nice but he usta like mee soo much more at at least it seemed like he did . hes still MADLY in luvv wit his ex and i dontt wanna be used until his ex comes bak . now wen hes upsett he calls MYY BEST FRIENDD ?!? wtff ndd i really like him bua wen i say wat do u want he gets mad and was like i dont want a relationship bua i still wanna talk to u . hes mad confusing help pleasee =/

Yamaha 200 Blaster wont start?

My 2002 ATV wont start and i have a feeling it is the stator because i took it out to see if it would create a spark but it just shocked me not to bad just a tiny shock. But what throws me off is that the spark plug was full of gasoline and i just had the carburetter done recently any ideas? the kick start is not jammed or anything.

Should I plead not guilty to MIP charge?

I received a Minor In Possession of alcohol charge at my house the other night. The cops came and talked to my 22 year old drunk roommate who then proceeded to tell them that I was inside, so they asked to see me and when I walked outside I was issued the Ticket. They never saw a drink in m hand, smelled me for alcohol, or gave me a breathlizer. To tell them I had maybe three beers at the time, but was not drunk in any manor. I have no prior arrests, should I plead not guilty because there is no evidence to support that I was drinking, and seeing that all the beer in the house could be explained as belonging to my 22 year old roommate.

Was J.R.R. Tolkien a racist?

Or just a huge fan of Norse Mythology? I mean, I don't think he ever describes the Dwarf's skin pigmentation, but all his Men, Elves and Hobbits are very fair. And in "Return of the King" Mordor is aided by "Dark men from the south". And there's a lot of talk about the "True West". So was it just an effect of being a British Catholic humanities professor, or was he really a racist?

Isn't the world police America just awesome?

You believe michael moore so I honestly don't believe I should respond BUT...we brought the perpetrators to justice in the court system of america. Did the iraqi government do the same to their terrorist or do they celebrate them?

Where is this rage coming from?

I have never been exceedingly good natured, but I have never lost my patience as quickly as I have been lately. One single thing bothers me, and rage flares up. I can feel it all over my body, and I snap, screaming and often cursing, especially at my boyfriend who I love so much. I have an anxiety disorder and I suffer from depression. I'm not a happy person, I do have a lot of anger and sadness... but it is unlike me to be rageful like this all the time. I never feel relaxed. My doctor doubled my dose of Welbutrin to 150mg, could that be causing it? Also I take a low dose birth control pill, Kariva, which I have stopped taking for good very recently because I'm afraid its causing the personality changes. I'm going to cut my Welbutrin pills in half from now on and wean myself off of them. I desperately want to have my old personality back. What is going on here?

A women's body....feeling inside.....?

its wet all the time lol it doesnt get "dry" the is always creating l fluid... its just really slimy and moist

What would happen if you gave your dog a bottle of nitre glycerin?

Just asking random questions here. I would never do such a thing so don't worry. I am a dog owner myself and I love my little doxie.

Time of the month blues....?

Try the combined vitamin and mineral tablets for this specific purpose. Some people take evening primrose oil...but whatever you decide to do it is a recognised issue and it has been linked with lack of certain chemicals in your system

Christians, does the Bible say it's OK to own Canadians?

I'm a Canadian, and for a reasonable offer, you can own me. I *** with a life time guarantee (my life time). I'm hard working, polite, and know U.S. geography and history better than Americans. l have all my own teeth, shower often, and can load my own musket. However keep in mind our policy is no refunds after 30 days. Please send cheque (yes-cheque, not check) to: Canucks r us, box 69, station F, Inuit village, udum.

What is that movie where Meryll Streep together with Uma Thurman casted?

It's about a 23-year old guy who fell in love with a woman played by Uma Thurman, a 37-year old woman. The woman always visits her therapist which is unfortunately the guy's mother. i just want to know its title. Thanks....

Liver Function Test results help?

Do you drink alcohol? If you do, you need to stop. There are infections that can cause these problems, diseases, etc and a biopsy would be the way to finally get the proper diagnosis and treatment. Your liver does not regenerate if there is a disease process going on. And, you should not be taking any Tylenol which is metabolized in the liver and can cause further damage.

What's your real fantasy ?

My fantasy is to have a harem,with 100 women,at least for only one night, but now it's impossible. The kings ans sultans could do it,but now it doesn't exist...


all policemen are not bad, i think 50% of police is good & 40% of police's badness made by us. only 10% policemen may be bad.

A terrific jokey to lighten up your mood - its got a parrot in it ?

I went into a pet shop and asked if I could buy a wasp. I was told they didn't sell wasps so I asked, "Then how come there's two in the window?"

What is good to fertilize hibiscus plants?

I live in zone 5 and have a couple of hibiscus. They have stopped flowering. What is good to fertilize them with? Is Miracle Grow alright?

How do you pickle lobster, crayfish or marron?

I am looking for a recipe on how to pickle lobster etc; both in vinegar and in brine. I am hoping to try both to see what the 'mes' approve of! I've search the net with very little success. All types of recipes will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I feel like I'm starting to get depressed again... (SAD?), what should I do?

Try writing in a journal & make sure no one sees it. I know it sounds dumb, but its a suggestion since you have trouble opening up to others. Im also a teenage girl with depression, so i know what it's like.

I want map of snow line at sea level as well as at high altitudes like Alps, Andes and Asian mountains.?

Snow limits in Arctic and Antarctic seas; Snow-line heights on Andes, Alps etc., Asian mountains like Himalayas, Kun-lun, Altay etc. - for the months of Jan and July.

I'm doing a history project in my world history cl, on Mao Zedong, please help on some choice questions?

(Mao Zedong) i would love for people to help me with a few questions i cant find out; Source of legitimacy, type of ruler, and Era

I want to send a friend of mine flowers to let her know that I like her, what kind of flowers should I send?

I've been dropping subtle hints, and there is mutual flirtation, but I think she wants something out of the ordinary. So I thought I need to know what kind of flowers, and I'm open to suggestions on what the card should say. Details: we're both in late 20's. Thank you!

How Does one go from 50 states to 57 states?

And even better he "never" campaigned in Florida or Michigan so....where did he go? Guam, Virgin Islands, P. Rico, and maybe that's his solution for international affairs give statehood to Iraq, Iran, Palestine and Lebanon?

What would make an ideal house pet?

okay i am in the market of purchasing a house pet. i already have two cats, and a very hyper bordercollie 2 year old pup. i don't like rabbits or any rodents/guinea pigs. i have a small backyard. i was thinking either a miniature piglet, a baby duckling, or a baby chick (female). i don't care for budgies or any other birds but the ducks & chicks. 1 of my cats will sit out front of my home on a chair, watching ALL the birds coming down on the ground to eat their food, and he doesn't even bat an eyelid. my other cat would probably chase them if she didn't have a fear of going outside (shes had it for years now due to a dog chasing/tree incident), but my pup might be a little worry.. he would never intentially hurt anything, but his hyperactiveness could get him in trouble as its done in the past... so i'm looking for a pet that can come inside & outside, will follow me around EVERYWHERE, and in time may adapt to my dog.

Can you show me how to work out this math question?

I would figure out his monthly pay based on a year = $7100 and then what 7 months of that would come out to. Subtract the 3475 and the horse value must make up the difference

Copyright for code snippets?

Since they're posting them with the obvious reason of letting people see how to do , they'd probably be declared public domain if it ever went to court (the "reasonable man" would ume they are). I ume that any code I write to post here for someone is something that people will use.

IPod touch apps on the fritz?

Hey sorry if this has already been asked. But i bought an iPod touch 2nd gen the other night and I have installed a bunch of apps and I woke up this morning and tried to use some and they only open for appx 3 seconds then close and sent me back to the home screen. Any ideas of how to fix this?

I have this group but i dont know what to add in there?plz help plzzzzzz?

my group in facebook is named party hunks and hotties...but I dont know what kind of pics and videos to add in there...the members are being annoyed and leaving my groups help plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Can you declare bankruptcy while on welfare?

You might not even need to file bankruptcy, they can't garnish your welfare. Go to this site a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a and read about the alternatives or if you even need to file at all.

Coilgun Question?

If I wish to put the maximum amount of current possible through a coilgun coil in the least amount of time, is it best to use a multitude of tiny capacitors , all in paralell, charged to a high voltage (330v)and wired to a small-wire coil or a single HUGE (1-Farad) capacitor charged to 10v and run through a large coil? ume the big cap has 40 Ohms internal resistance.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Radioactive Iodine for Thyroid nodule?

Ive been told today I have a nodule on right lobe (hot spot) that is making my thyroid hyper.... so im subclinical hyper... suppressed tsh BUT t4 and t3 are in range. My ONLY treatment is to ignore and leave it (keep it monitored) and remain with symptoms, or a small dose of rai to kill the nodule. I was advised once the spot is treated my tyroid should function normal again. Does this sound right? Has anyone gone tru this. Please let me know if this is harmfull as well. TY VM

Does anyone know of a woodworking catalog?

might be sherwood... check it out... a href="" rel="nofollow"

I'm looking for a good PvE private private server for wow, anyone know of a good one?

I don't want to start paying for wow again but i also like the raiding side of the game. I know of a lot of good PvP private servers but do you know of any good PvE private servers?

Pilchards, sardines and krill; food for humans or starvation for the entire marine food chain?

What right do we have to and pillage the seas for our benefit to the detriment of the marine ecosystem? Aquaculture doesn't help because that (mostly) requires small fish from the sea to feed the larger fish that we farm. What will be the scenario in 10 or more years?

How did you like the book Breaking Dawn?

I loved it. I couldn't put it down. But I'm not going to lie, I was disappointed in quite a few things. I really wish it could have centered around Edward and Bella more than anything else. The connection to the characters, especially Edward wasn't as strong as the last books. I cried off and on through most of the book. I think most of my disappointment comes from knowing this is the last book, yet it feels like this book should have been turned into two different ones -- the whole Renesmee/Volturi/gathering people situation and then a real last book about Edward and Bella's life, possibly even add how they're going to fit Jacob and his pack into their lives with Nessie. More about Bella adjusting to being a vampire and her new life with Edward. And the Cullen's and even the Delani's welcoming Bella into their family.

I'm going to dirt days at milestone mx on sat.?

i read on transworld motocross that KTM was going to be there and that we can use their bikes. Does that mean i can go up to them and they will just give me the bike to ride?

What Is A Rick Roll Exactly?

I am pretty sure people get pissed when they get rick roll'd because they are hoping for one video and end up watching some dude sing. After you get rick roll'd a few times it's pretty damn annoying.

Do You Have To Be Christian To Go To TCU?

I Want To Go To Texas Christian University, But Im Not Christian. So Do Yhu Have To Be Christian To Go There.

Do you know anything about Peas? seriously?

Everyday on my bike ride I am headed off on a one lane road by a friggin male pea that from head to tale takes up the whole road! He sees me coming(I sware) and goes to the middle of the road and stands there,like bring it on senorita.....So I wait til he goes across the road.....sometimes 3-5 minutes then I ride like a bat out of hell to get away from him......I have heard they are mean,that is what I have always you know? Because if he attacks me I am going down....he is HUGE!!! lol

Do you get those funny black-mailing emails? What are they for?

You know the ones which start off something like : "Hey this is REALLY AMAZING, just try forwarding this ... it DOES ACTUALLY WORK" (and it gives an apparently altruistic and beautiful example of life philosophy or the like) continues: "If you forward this email to at least 10 people then the phone will ring resulting in some fantastic news. BUT IF YOU DON'T FORWARD IT, then you will have bad luck for the rest of your life." These emails are seem so cruel and prey on vulnerable peoples fears and insecurities. The thing I don't 'get' is: what do the people who instigate these black-mailing emails feel they achieve? Or do they actually achieve something somehow? I wondered is it just an ego thing that if the email go's all around the world and comes back to the initiator, does it give them a sort of 'control kick' or something?

Do you watch Perry the Platypus?

no you are not alone. my mother and i watch that show every timre it comes on. rimarily because my little brother an sister watch it, but nn-the-less, you are not alne.

Bird Helppppp! help NEEDED.?

We came home and noticed a magpie (we think its a magpie) in our back garden and we think it may be hurt, it wont fly, well hardly gets off the floor and it just stays there when we go near it, it gets scared and runs a bit if we try to pick it up or touch it though. we have rang the RSPCA but they said to wait for an hour, but i think it may have been there all day because my neighbour told me a local cat was chasing a bird in our garden this morning, but when i checked i didnt see anything. I dont think waiting an hour is the best thing to do and i think i can see a small scratch womb on its neck, i cant just leave it there in the rain, hurt... What can i do?! Please help!!! thnks ;)

Well I guess I shall surrender to the beckoning of my soft bed and freshly laundered sheets?

where I will lay till dawns earliest light paints my room is hues of soft purples and pinks good night every one may you all rest well and hopefully tonight I can do the same

WAD Manager on Wii error ret=-1?

to be frank, u need either a new manager, or expert advice...find wad manager at homebrew websites, but make sure there dependable, and make sure u configured ur sdhc card to be compatibel

What do you think of this plot summary for a book...?

Your heroine becomes inseparable w/a Thief? - Never a good beginning. Sounds like "Lord of the rings" looking for gold rings? Punk-Rock loving emo girl meets dragon - sounds good to me. They do have alot in common, and can learn many things from each other. Focus on the many good things and the way the dragon helps emo girl have confidence.

I NEED some serious help here. Im confused like no other.?

This girl and I met at work and recently went on a date after I was told she thought I was cute. I took her out to dinner and then we walked down on the waterfront. We held hands and cuddled on a bench. It was about 9 when she said let's head home. I walked her to her front door and she gave me a kiss before we left. I texted her later telling her that I had a great time and told her how beautiful I thought she was. She responded by saying "your a sweetheart I had a blast with you". The thing that threw me off was the sweetheart ( considering were both 19) and the fact that only after 3 hours of hangning she asked me to drive her home. Can't tell if she was being nice or if she likes me.

Trying to Conceive , Should I take Prenatals with DHA Now?

Hubby and I are trying to conceive baby number 3. My first 2 I conceived easy, this one not so much as I have very irregular periods now. Anyways should I be taking Prenatals with DHA already? Or should I wait until I get pregnant, if I ever get pregnant.


Seriously, he had so much charactor development, the added bonus of being awsome and just the plain idiocy of his death. Plus he somehow was still my fav character when he flirted with Shito and licked Chika. And I am not a big fan of BL.

How should I tell my mom i need $120 for the metronome I broke?

And how do I tell the band teacher I broke it? I was walking to my chair in band, when my bag must've bumped into the stand that the metronome was on, causing the wires connecting the battery to it to break. I guess it's unfixable because the teacher was sort of upset, since she was talking about how much it cost and such. How do I tell her I broke it? And is there ANY quicky ways to make money so my parents don't have to pay??? Thanks!

Tourist attractions in South Dakota...?

How many days would I need to stay to visit the main attractions such as Mt Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Deadwood, the caves, the goldmines, the 1880's train, Badlands etc. Can it all be done in a couple of days or would I need longer? I'm planning to stay in Rapid City or Keystone areas...any tourism advise would be great.

Cote d'Ivore...any information?

A friend of mine is staying out there. Anyone been? Anyone know any political information? I'm just interested...

Dating:: It's been 3 dates! Should I give it up?

If you date a guy for 3 months and haven't had , then he really likes you. Dun jump into it too quickly.

Will there ever be a time when technology reaches it's maximum and there will be no new innovations?

Will humans ever reach a point where inventions, ideas, technologies have hit their maximum and nothing new exists to be developed. Let's say we live in a world where time travel, teleportation, cloning, intergalactic travel, nanotechnology, and unlimited energy sources exist, will we hit a point where nothing new can be developed because every single technological possibility already exists or will humans always find the next best thing to infinity?

Monday, August 15, 2011

What should I do about work/job.?

Take vitamins and stay alert.You should consider your job as one of your top priorities.You must be dis-satisfied or disappointed with your job and you need to re-think your position and accept the things in your life that you can not change from the things you can change.Put a smile on your face and a song in your heart even though your miserable;practice makes one perfect,and I don't remember who said those words.

What Was Your Most Lopsided XBox Live Halo Victory?

I had mine tonight. We won a "big team slayer" 100 to 30. This was 8 on 8 too. It wasn't where half their team quit right away. I have 15 kill and was the second worst person on my team.

I dont understand this line in this movie plz help?

in step brothers at the end after will ferrell sings 3 people say "its the f***ing catalina wine mixer" i dont understand y they said that, i know the name of the event is the catalina wine mixer, but why did they say that line? thanks- kevin

Im trying out for cheerleading next year can anyone give me some tips?

im trying out for cheerleading next year so i want to start practicing. i've taken one year of hip hop and i can tumble. i can do a roundoff backhandspring, round off back tuck and any of those mixed together.. shoulld i take dance to help with cheerelading or no? and if your a cheerleader already what kind of exercises do you do? any other tips would be great. thanks (:

75 gallon aquarium question?

to small for a gar,and the parrot cichlids are calm for cichlids and is better to put them with other calmer cichlids. I have 3 and they can't be with oscars or pacus and such,I have kenys,jewels,and a couple leopards,in my 150 gallon tank

What are your thoughts on the name Delia for a girl?

I pronounce it the same way as you and I think it's quite a pretty, quirky name. I wouldn't personally use it, but I'd really like to meet a little Delia. Cordelia with the nn Delia would be my preference over Delia by itself

What kind of wagon/hatch should I buy?

So it's getting around the time for me to buy a new(er) car because I'm ready to get rid of my 95 Ford Taurus with 123,000+ miles on it and I'm looking at purchasing a station wagon or hatchback because I've always liked them and they're very practical. I'm not going to be able to spend anymore than 17k on the car (since I don't want to be paying it off for the rest of my life) and I'd like something fairly new for that price. I'd like something that has a pretty roomy interior because I'm a tall guy and that gets better mileage than my Taurus (18 mpg). I'd appreciate any help given! Thanks again!

Do you like these? Which should be my main girl character? Thank you.?

I love them all! Favorites: Edonea and Authaire. Least Favorite: Fluri and Dietrich. I think the main girl should be Edonea.

I have a major antifreeze leak, I need help?

I have a 93 Buick LeSabre and it has been leaking antifreeze slowly for a little while now. When I went to go to work this morning I noticed a very large puddle of antifreeze on the ground. I took it to work and my temp light went on and I stopped the car and popped the hood to check it out and I couldnt exactly pinpoint the leak but it was steaming off the hot pipes. I dont know what to do, Ive already put alot of money into this car and Im really worried it has something to do with the trans. Please help

Why the media not giving much 'ado' about the Malaysian Open, China Open, Thailand Open, etc,?

which are now underway in all these countries.All the media is giving importance to most of the tournaments being held in Western Countries, whereas the Asian countires are somewhat neglected in this regard. Why this kind of impartiality?

Global Warming theory falling apart?

Former CBS News correspondent Bernie Goldberg says the liberal mainstream media is largely ignoring the voices of scientists and academics who are skeptical of the notion that global warming is caused by human activity.

Who owns Bagpiper Whisky? or Who owns the makers of Bagpiper Whisky?

Someone said that the owners of Bagpiper whisky changed to Vijay MAlliah and thats why the taste has become different in recent years.So i josut wan know

What will the effects be if I stop taking birth control if I just started a week ago?

because you only started a week ago it should only take a week or two to get back to normal. i used the same one at the beginning and didnt have those die effects. that is ridiculous. i hope this helps.

Does anyone have a computer that Doesn't have constant problems?

I can't wait for someone, or some new company, to design and manufacture a computer that actually works - consistently and reliably. If my car was as unreliable as my computers, I'd ride a horse!

Could I still be pregnant please answer 10PT answer fast!?

It's HCG btw. :) Testing before your period is due, even with early result tests is never considered accurate. it's always best to wait until at least the day your period is due even with tests that say you "can" test sooner. Just cause you "can" doesn't mean you will get an accurate result. Hang in there and wait a few more days. I know it's hard. It took me a year to get pregnant with my son.

Please tell me this song, i, i need it!?

americas funniest home videos was on yesterday afternoon and it was an episode i saw before, but i loved the song they played when they were showing a medley of wedding proposals..does anyone know what im talking about, i love that song, can you tell me the title or artist or a way to find that song.. thanks

Novak fans in for a treat next year. When poor baby Djokovic cant defend his points ?

Djokovic may be considered arrogant, but I just think he's confident and that's why he's been successful. Sadly, Federer's confidence is on the wain as evidenced by his poor results this year (compared to previous years). The French Open for Fed was a disaster. If Fed doesn't win Wimbledon, I think the year end results will read....1. Djokovic, 2. Nadal, 3. Federer.

I'm pregnant and there's gelatin in my DHA supplement, is this a problem?

I started taking a DHA supplement because I read that it can help improve a baby's intelligence. I bought the pills from GNC because the Expecta DHA brand is TOO expensive. However, upon reading the ingredients, I noticed that there is gelatin in the pills. I can't find anything on the internet about the side effects of consuming gelatin while pregnant. Does anyone know if gelatin in pregnancy is dangerous or has some negative side effects. If so, I'd also like a source, so I could learn more about it myself.

Why is Arnold( i have plenty money)in california,sacrificing the citizens of that state ?

Get rid of the millions of Illegals(including you)and the state will have a surplus..Hasta La Vista Baby!

Where can I post listings for my pets?

My dog had babies, and i have already found realatives and friends to take some but now I have two pure bred male German sheppard pups to sell; how would I be able to put a free listing out? Craigslist doesn't let you, and I really want to find these babies a good home before they get bigger (even though they're only ten weeks right now). I heard about a website that let's you put out posts for pets for sale but I do not know the name. Anyone have ideas?

What do you all think of Windows 7?

Unless your a developer, you shouldn't have access to this software. I will be reporting your question to our Microsoft Loss Prevention Services in which they will reach out to the FBI to obtain such IP/Proxy addresses that you may have. Your access to Windows 7 will be disabled and fines will occur of up to $2500 for each license distributed.

How can i convience my mom i want my belly on periced?

well im 15 and i turn 16 in august. i always wanted my belly on periced but never came out with it intil now!! some of my friends have theirs done but the reason why i want it is because i HATE my bellyon!!!!! its really big and i just want to hide it in my swimmin suit. my mom usually lets me do whatever i want but my dad is totaly against it and shes starting not wanting me to get can any of y'all give me advice on how to convince her? i really want this done y'all so please hhhhheeeelllllppp!!!! :):):)

Why do you think that there is prejudice against fantasy and science fiction in literary circles?

i agree with persephone. no matter what, a good work of literature needs to be believable and rooted in the familiar. fantasy/sci-fi require elaborate constructions of new worlds that are semi-recognizable to what we're familiar with. but there are so many fantasy/sci-fi works that lose sight of that.

I want a long good psp game!!lots of adventure,lots of action and lots of good multiplayer content!!?

i was thinking of daxter or god of war:chains of olympus or ghost of sparta or jak and daxter the lost frontier but ppl r sayin the games r short so any ideas??

Is it okay for a mother to do this? Yes or no?

I think what you said is fine. After all, there's no need to tell them that you'll really be drinking shots off my tummy at 10:00am. They don't need to know. Shopping is perfectly fine, and not even a lie since you'll be grabbing the tequilla.

Does a fish's mouth heal after it's been caught on a hook & line & thrown back into the sea?

I doubt it. But I did a google search and came across this crazy PETA poster, which I thought I would share. I don't agree with PETA, just wanted to share this poster.

Would these Doc Martens go well with any type of clothing? Are they too girly?

I love lavender docs :) THey will go great with jeans, skirts dresses. Really anything :D They arent too girly :D x

What do you think of the name Minas?

It is my name, I'm Armenian. Is this name strange to other races? Does anyone like the name? I do not want sympathy, just want to know how my name sounds. Thank you!!

Gymnastics Floor Music?

I don't know if this is on iTunes but I have this CD called Bond Clics is all instrumental music. I don't know the name of the group though. Track 1 and Track 5 are the best. Track 5 is called Scorpio but I don't know what track 1 is called. You should buy thid CD because it has really good floor routine music.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Am I on track for my future?

I am an aspiring actress with little experience. I am taking acting cles and am looking into getting a head shot. I have been in countless plays and musicals throughout my life. I have also extra-ed on OTH and in an independant film flimed in my town. I plan to build up my acting skills through cles and workshops during my senior year in highschool. I plan to move out to L.A when i graduate. Do you think it would be too soon to move to L.A, and am I doing the right things to help make my dreams become a reality?

Ok this is for the people who know Stomp the Yard i need help!?!?!?

Ok this song i need is not on the soundtack of the movie but its in the movie its rap song i think or hip-hop and i think it goes like it says Yea! in the begging and then it says ight ight ight or someihng like that and it says lets go! a couple times in the song to plz help me!!

Lawyer; custody question.?

I live in Spartanburg, SC; and live with my mother there. I want to move to my dad's house in Greenville, SC because I'm happier there. By far. However, my mom who has full custody won't allow me to move. From what I've been told by the SCR at my school, is that at 17, which I am, I can move into my dads house without my moms permission and she can't stop me. Is this true?

Has any country ever killed as many innocent people as ths U.S.A has?

well China and Russia were pretty good at annihilating their own people. Percentagewise Cambodia takes a lot of beating so does Rwanda. It's an old skill.

I just want to feel loved by someone?

*gasp* wow! what a horrible life! and i think I have problems but yours are a lot worse than mine! your in my prayres!!

What is your opinio: are homeless people freeloaders?

some are but some are not.Some homeless people really have had tramatic and horrible things happen to them and they are just broken.Some just like the lifestyle of being free from a job and home and responsibility.Some lost their homes due to losing a job and have no family so they end up on the street.So I don't judge any homeless person because I don't know their story or how they ended up that way.

Why are new non union drivers for Swift Trucking Co being ostricized by other transport company drivers?

other drivers do not ociate with them during truck stop breaks. Drivers block gas pumps so they cant refuel. Some driver actually have tried to force them off the road. What is going on hear?

Sad jazz/blues music piece for noir movie?

Can you recommend some slow sad music piece for detective film? Preferably with sax and/or trumpet and without singing. Please don't say name of musician (and then "his work"), just simple best piece in your opinion that would fit to the mood of noir movie.

Scoliosis: serious problem. Please help!?

I am a female and 14 years old. I have been diagnosed with scoliosis over a year ago. I was diagnosed a 36 degree thoracic curve (on top), and a very small degree of a lumbar curve (lower down). The doctor (and surgeon) i went to said I should try the Boston Brace. I wore that brace for one year, 18 hours a day. I took an x-ray a year later, and saw that my scoliosis became worse by 15 degrees on top, and it was now a 20 degree curve on the bottom. Now i have a 51 degree curve on top. My mother is trying to do everything she can in order for me not to undergo surgery. She has found a place in Germany, called Katharina Schroth. It is a clinic were patients live there for about 5 weeks, where they perform exercises and stretches to (as they say) help the curves decrease. Here in America, many back doctors and surgeons do not believe that this method helps, however there are written records that it does. I am on the waiting list for this clinic, and I will be sent there in November. For now, I am wearing a brace, made in Germany, called the Cheneau Brace. Recently, I have heard about the SpineCor Brace. Can someone please tell me whether this brace will help my scoliosis curves to decrease in degrees? I am trying everything possibly to not undergo a surgery on my spine. Someone please help me about what I should do... any experiences? Any suggestions or help will be greatly appreciated.

Are there any mental illness's that are based on episodes of EXTREME anger?

could be intermittent explosive disorder, or bipolar, or antisocial personality u need to see a psychiatrist to get proper diagnosis.

I was looking in the newspaper and..........................?

I saw a Chihuahua puppy for sell and it said............ CHIHUAHUA Puppies for sale, 4 weeks old, call between 9am-9pm. Is he a BYB? I am not going to buy a puppy but i was just curious if i can report him? Coz i though that a puppy should be with its mom until 8-12 weeks. BTW he is in Las Vegas and i am in Utah can i still report him??? Thnx

How to increase levels of DMT in my brain?

i read that that the hallucinogen dmt is found inside our brains, and may be responsible for our dreams.I've heard various accounts from people whose dreams rival the intensity iof the drug being actually injested in signifigant doses. Is there any way i can LEGALLY increase the amount of DMT produced in my brain, or at least make my dreams more interesting?

Gymnastics please help!?

you should definietly be able to do a hand stand if you can do all of those things. but thats good for you :) if you can teach yourself all of those skills, you'll definetly be able to succeed in your gymnastics career.

My cats has a problem with fleas...?

my himalayan loves to sneak out of our all tile house about once a month. she always comes in infested with fleas. i have heard of different remidies for fleas but it seems they only work for a short while. advantage and the other vet stuff doesn't seem to work for very long, someone told me about a vinegar and water solution. does it work and how much of what should i try?

Does the Roswell incident prove there are other forms of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?

Roswell was, supposedly, a situation in which an alien craft came who-knows-how-many light-years to visit Earth before the pilot punched the wrong on and caused a fatal explosion above the New Mexico desert (this is akin to making a cross-country road trip, and totaling your car on the garage door as you pull into the driveway). Debris was recovered, as were alien bodies. And yet, strangely, even after 60 years, the consequences of this short-circuited social call by a culture able to bridge interstellar distances are zilch.

Would someone please answer my ?

So after my 1st biopsy I was told it is melanoma on the right side of my lower back. It was after a mole was removed. Now II am going to my follow up Appt. What can i expect. I am hoping for good news. Say the best case scenario? What is the treatment? I also have another appt on the 31st? What have some of you had? Would someone please answer????

Who here knows how to contact shania twain?

If I knew the answer to this question I would have probably already been arrested on stalking charges. She is amazing.

Any good irish history sites- preferably for prehistory/archeaology?

Here's a few for you...I've used the first and third links often, they are reliable. The others I searched out for you. Good Luck! Hibernia (ancient Ireland) was truly an awe inspiring place!!

If your friend is gay and is hittin on you what do you do?

It rather depends on ones ual orientation. If I were straight and did not enjoy being "hit on" then I would politely say that I was heteroual and not interested. If I were gay then I might enjoy the interest shown in me and feel flattered. Have you never "hit on" a girl and found out she was not interested in you - perhaps she was a ! P&P :-)

What should I do when dealing with racist comments all the time?

don't let it get you down, i know what your going through because you go to an all black school and yes im black but they made fun of me too... saying im too dark or african or Jamaican. people who are racist are jealous of people who are different because they are boring, same o ssame nothing extreme or appealing just one look all the same... so when someone who looks different or better they try to make them fell less of a human. all because they reugly or think their ugly... they have low self esteem. mabey try to switch schools, home school,ignore them,. ignorant people nowadays.

Why are these anti BNP fanatics so obsessed with Roy West?

Perhaps you ought to stop creating all these multiple accounts, then. It doesn't matter how many questions you post on here about your whining, noone's listening to you.

Can wormholes and black holes be the same?

black holes expel energy in a form radiation, from one side to another which could be a few lightyears but you would have no way to rematerilize yourself from radiation, Worm holes on the other hand either dematerilize you in one place to rematerilize you somewhere else, secondly entering one side would just increase the travelling speed of yourself and the ship you were travelling in, so theoretical exiting one would possess the problem of slowing down before theoretical seeing it, at close to the speed of light or faster this might be a problem

Why do all reply's to my emails go to some other email account?

Every time someone tries to reply to an email I send from my Yahoo account, it goes to an old email address that isn't active anymore. I've looked all over my profile to try to delete the old address (which I never added to my profile in the first place,) but I can NOT find anywhere that the address appears. How can I get my replys to go to my Yahoo account?

Science Olympiad, Dynamic Planet. Groundwater?

They're talking about the different aspects of groundwater. Y'know.... when you dig a well for water, pumping it out of the ground, etc. The aquifer is basically the underground river, water table is the depth of the water under ground, etc.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Do you think Mickie James is getting stale as a wrestler, and needs the following... ??

...people aren't fussed about how the divas wrestle... they are just hot, and thats what most people care about

Rate my Crystal Beast Deck?

drop the x-saber airbellums for one more carbuncle and amber mammonth thyen drop one dragon queen for a plaguespreader zombie then drop one crystal tree for the trap scrubbed raid its really good for types like crystal beast plus i have a friend who has a crystal beast deck and scrubbede raid was his idea but the plaguespreader and dropping airbellum was my idea because im guessing i u have synchrows in this deck so plaguespreader would be better because its good for two synchrow summons also scrubbed raid is good for protecting yourself and making more room for spells traps and other crystalbeasts

Why are children discussing gender studies?

There are a lot of men on here who don't like women, and like to insult them. It is pretty unpleasant, but I would advise you not to take it too seriously. This is only the internet, not real life, and most of the men you meet in real life are not like the ones on here.

Has anyone got an instruction manual for the Flushausen Crapalisa?

At a Suffolk bootsale I recently discovered a priceless Flushausen bespoke urinal complete with musical toilet roll dispenser which plays a charming duet rendition of Deutchland Uber Alles by George Formby and Dame Edna. I have contracted bird brained toilet loiterer Dimitry Klunk to install this masterpiece, yet we are as yet unsure of its installation or even orientation. The piece in question was made during Flushausens weird period which covers the period from his birth in 1931 to the time when he became obsessed with knees in around 2006. Flushausen, or old Jug lugs as his contemporaries call him, eschewed the commonplace elements of conventional sanitary ware in favour of a less indented unperforated design. While this gives a Flushausen toilet a certain uniqueness and pzazz it does little for some of the minor considerations that he viewed as entirely secondary such as taking a crap. This small deficiency has never been a bar to the true devotee of excretal porcelain and often a Flushausen installation is found in the company of a plastic bucket. Hence regardless of the irrelevant iniquities involved I feel it is important t to remain faithful to the spirit of the artiste and complete the installation correctly. So if any body could advise or even just tell me whether the spikes should face up or down I would be greatly relived, although obviously no thanks to old Jug lugs.

Are the events in the book 'The Count of Monte Cristo' the same as the movie version?

I'm going to read it for English cl but I am wondering if i should read it first or should i watch the movie to get a better understanding of the book first? thanks

Give me your option!?

help my with the name to. what do you think about a myth that's about a small princess who travels to a foreign land to stop a war from start between her people and their people along the way her magical dog name Ruujii tags along to help, and she opens a box that her mother(the queen) gave her before she left and a a fairy comes out and her name is Momo the fairy. and meets a woman, who owns a magic shop, and her name is Marylynn the magical witch and they fight baby ogres a very anger mommy ogre and an army of, not very skilled, ninjas. help me with the name and tell me what you think about it.

The finding of the WWII USS Sub Grunion ! ?

A lot of us agree that these ships should be raised. The veterans don't want this. They view the ships as "burial grounds" and we would be disturbing the bones..

How can I add messages in Sony Vegas 9.0? (QUICK 10 PTS!!)?

I want to add text messages in this video every 10 seconds for a duration of 30 milliseconds.. How can I do this?

Since the Shroud of Turin is proving that Jesus rose from the dead, will atheists burn in hell?

Do you think that God is the kind of father who would burn anyone of his children? He doesn't have to teach us... The Universal Laws teach us. In the end we will not last on this earth if we don't learn them...

Why don't the Sarah Palin critics name their names? Saying that she didn't know what countries were in ?

I hear that they are the volunteers that came over from the Romney campaign. I don't care whether they come forward or not, it looks bad for all involved either way.

My friends are becoming big rock stars?

Dude put your energy where you can help someone and quit focusing on these guys and how you lost them as friends. Let them go. Always be kind when you speak of them and to them. Move on. Be yourself and do the best you can with the friends and music you have.

Shaadi Ki Daastaan...kya such mai aisa lagta hai marriage k bad?

Suppppppppperrrrb , Dupppper Fantastic. I loved it vey much. Typical Indian . Anyways good joke n fact.

Im really frustrated?

If you are old enough to leave I would. I understand parents go through a lot of stress but no ones deserves to be treated that way. Maybe you should try talking to your dad. Maybe suggest to your father that you all go to see someone about her built up anger and stress. Good luck and hang in there!

What do you feel about your husband/partner watching the baby being born?

i think if ant thing mine had a lot more respect for me after watching what i went through to have his baby

From Aladdin, "Never Had A Friend Like Me" WITHOUT lyrics?

Iv heard it a gazillion times WITH lyrics but never without, do you know where i can find it? Thanks:)

Baseball question?

You need to the speak to the league director or tournament director. Or just deal with it and do your best. Umpires don't always determine the game. One thing also its hard to determine and strikes from dugout because you can usually only tell if the pitch is high or low not inside or outside. Good Luck in your tourney.

What are good types of gender names for a baby?

For a girl I like the names Alexa Nicole(Lexi for short), Lily Grace, Maraliese(Mair uh lees), and Jenna Marie. For a boy I like the names Anthony, Josiah, Joel, Parker, Matthew, and Jacob .

Is it possible to get a chinese visa without presenting an onward ticket?

You must have a compelling explanation of your plans and funding sources. An international air or rail onward ticket dispels many questions that otherwise may be challenging to answer. China has no need of unemployed backpackers.

Where can i buy carrom board powder in US?

where can i buy carrom board powder in US? In back home we used to "Boric Acid" for carrom board smooth. Now Here we are getting roach killer powder as a Boric acid. Where exactly we can get Carrom board powder?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Would you like to give a hip hop shout out as well? Do you know any of mine?

I want to give a mad shout out to all my underground hip hop artists that ever came into the hip hop game! First off, I'd like to give a mad shout out to KRS-ONE from the Boogie Down Productions, Rakim, Buckshot, 5 ft., and D.J. Evil Dee, Tha Alkaholiks, Hieroglyphics-Del tha funky sapien, Casual, and Extra Prolific, Ice-T, Queen Latifah, M.C. Lyte, Treach of By Nature, Onyx, Black Thought and the rest of the Roots, Snoop Dogg, Mr. Cheeks of the Lost Boyz and his family-R.I.P. to Freaky Tah, Busta Rhymes, Method man, Redman, Wu-Tang Clan, Blahzay Blahzay, Cella Dwellas, Diamond D, Lord Finesse and the whole Diggin in the Crates crew, Large Professor, A Tribe Called Quest- Q-Tip, Phife Dawg, and Ali, BoogieMonsters, Coolio, Ice Cube, Cocoa Brovas formerly known as Smif N Wessun, Lin Que, Heather B, Ed Lover and Dr. Dre from Yo! MTV Raps!, Fab 5 Freddy, Chris Thomas, Big Lez, Joe Clair, and Big Tigger all from Rap City, Common, D.J.Premier and the Guru from Gangstarr, Freddie Foxx, Pete Rock, Whodini, Def Squad, Hit Squad, Digable Planets, Fugees and Channel Live and many others I may have forgot that kept hip hop true. This is my hip hop shout out over Yahoo Answers. Who do you want to give a mad shout out to in Hip Hop?

HELP!!! I need relationship advice please advise?

I have been friends with this girl for a long time. She has a great personality and we always get along. She has a really pretty face but she is a tad overweight. She got stood up by this one guy and I felt like she should be taken out and treated the way a guy is supposed to treat a girl so I asked her out on a date. She was overjoyed at the idea. I was upfront with her saying I just wanted a casual date and wasn't looking to get into anything serious and she was totally fine with it. I really like her as a friend and it could possibly grow into something greater, I don't want to lead her on I'm just looking to have fun and date not put a label on ourselves. I wish she was skinner, I am a beanpole and I have cuddled with big girls before and it kinda hurts, knocks the wind out of me. Haha. I dunno what I should do, I'm being a little shallow but I want to find someone special and would never turn a girl away based on looks. Shes pretty, just a little overweight I dunno what to do, help!

1Why is a man allowed to have more than one wife in Islam?

most religion had numerous wives policy at one time or other. muslim hadn't been affected by feminist, since they stone them to death.

Sage Gabriel & Saffron Lucas... Good sibling set?

If you love your children you will find names outside of the spice rack. Seriously, Sage is one thing. But Saffron is ridiculous. And the combination makes Sage some incredibly silly.

How long will till i get Uti relief?

I had a UTI after the no pants dance with my hubby as well. I went to Whole Foods and got the pure cranberry juice and sipped it for a few hours. I had almost immediate relief. I kept this up for 3 more days to make sure and I feel great. I know you said you took some Azo (one this is cheap stuff. No offence but it will do a load of nothing against a UTI thats somewhat advanced) and you said you were drinking cran with sugar...that wont help either. You need the pure stuff. No Ocean Spray etc. King Soopers has these pure juices in the juice isle that are gl jars and I believe it says "Purely Cran" and I'd get that. It will be bitter but it helps big time. I've never heard of baking soda and I'm not sure how that works out. Cranberry juice helps to strengthen the bladder wall as well as being a natural anti-biotic. I hate water as well but find the flavored water to be helpful. Pregnancy certainly would cause UTI but if you're only one week along you wouldn't feel any syptoms yet. In weeks 3-4 is when the baby starts to feed off your system and symptoms might start popping up then but usually they start around week 6 when its in full force.

Do you have any suggestions for clic movies to buy for my parents?

My sister is a geriatric nurse and she tells me that her patients love old movies, especially musicals. She is often impressed with the folks who have impaired memories who sing along with Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra, Debbie Reynolds and other stars of musical comedies. They know all the words! Some of the movies she recommends are "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" and "Holiday Inn" and "Singing in the Rain."

Having two last names in Corporate America?

If anything, I think it'll make you stick out. It's very unique, especially among guys. It might make some people think. I just love rolling two last names off my tongue. There are a few guys in my Military Unit that have 2 last names, and people are always fascinated with their names. I've mainly seen 2 last names hyphenated, but you can do it either way.

Why are they cutting down all the trees?

Every day I see huge tracts of land being cleared so another mini mall, gas station, fast food place, or storage facility can go up. Acres and acres of trees that have been there since before I was born, gone along with our much needed oxygen. Seriously though, how many freakin storage places do we need? Are we all hoarders now?

About my Video Card, Please Help me.. I really don't know much of it..?

That system is using the Intel rubbish on board video. You need to buy a better video card like a Radeon 4670 or a 4650 at the very least. You will need a power supply of at least 350 watts for the 4670, the standard one should run a 4650.

Why complain of welfare spending domestically when your unsolicited welfare payments abroad are nearly double?

Good points! If we'd stop trying to be the world police, we'd have plenty of money to pay our debts and have plenty to spend on our own people. Believe it or not, most domestic welfare goes to people who are unable to work - even though a lot of people think that all welfare recipients just don't want to work.

IPod Touch stuck on boot logo?

When I was downloading something onto my iPod, it froze and I restarted it. It's now stuck on the boot logo. I was going to SSH into it and delete the application, but I can't remember the iPod's IP address to log onto WinSCP. Is there any other way I can fix this without restoring it?

Is there something wrong with me??!!! why do I feel this way?

Watch the movie "The Election" and pay attention to what happens to the main character's friend (a high school teacher).

My atiel eggs just started hatching, is there anything special I should be doing?

I read up a lot on atiel breeding before I put a nest box in with my two atiels, Birdy and Baby. Baby laid 7 eggs (which is a lot from what I've read) and they just started hatching. I can hear the cute little peeps coming from their box. I have them in a large cage and I covered it with a sheet so they feel more secure. I've been giving them regular atiel food, millet (their favorite), a supplement for nesting birds that Kaytee makes, Cheerios (a treat they've always enjoyed) and put cuttlebones in there for extra calcium. I tried putting different veggies in there like most books suggested but they don't eat them. Is there anything else that I should be feeding them? I also put a bird bath in there for humidity which I read was important. I think the best thing I can do is NOT TO DISTURB THEM while the eggs are hatching. I don't want them to get nervous and accidentally injure a baby or break an egg. Am I right? Should I remove egg shells and other waste?

Am I too pale, should I wear bronzer or something - Pictures included.?

No! You are beautiful! DON'T DO IT!!! I tend to go for a darker foundation than my skin tone, I use bronzer aswell. My boyfriend says I look better without it on. Secretly, I agree with him. It's all about the confidence. Trust me, you are beautiful. Don't cover that skin up! I'd kill for your looks! Btw, what mascarra do you use????? I LOVE IT! Your lashes look great! please tell me! xxxx

Would you support the legalization of psychedelic drugs?

Hell yes. I think all drugs should be legalized. The war on drugs is just stupid. Although I'm not sure what you mean by psychedelic drugs. Do you mean only the ones you've stated? If you mean drugs that have been created by some chemist in a lab (except LSD, because it's virtually natural, but requires some chemistry knowledge) then NO. I personally like to stick to ALL NATURAL or virtually natural drugs, or as I like to call them entheogens. These substances have opened many doors into my perception of myself and my environment.

Where can i buy sparklers in northern CT in the month of may?

i'm from central MA and need them for may 8, 2010. i called walmart and was told that they wouldn't be in stock until june. can i get them anywhere sooner? thanks!

Wooziness, pounding heart/palpitations, cough, aches..?

for the past month or so my heart has been pounding hard enough to shake my headboard when i lie down to sleep at night. for the past two weeks it's gotten worse so that i wake up every day with fluttering heartbeat feelings, erratic heartbeat, and it pounds so hard every time i move that i get woozy enough to stumble a little. today it's at it's worst, i've had the shakes, i'm so woozy and achey, and the heart is pounding like crazy, as always. i'm wondering, can all this just be stress? if not, anyone have any idea what might be wrong? i don't have a fever that i'm aware of. i'm just starting to get increasingly curious/concerned.

Dodgers' crowded rotation: how will it be played out?

Whoever does the job the best gets to stay in the rotation. I think Schmidt is finished so won't really contribute to the logjam. I know Kershaw has had some dodgy outings but I think he'll settle down soon and be an ace.

Best/Worst Harry Potter casting for the films?

I agree with the ones you say, and I think in the Seventh, for Rufus Scrimgeour, Bill Nighy, I just...ehh. I don't think he fit. At all. It was way different then I was expecting.

Pci-E x1 Cooling fan?

I ordered a 9800 gt Video card that runs hot as hell, and i'm wondering if their are Pci-ex1 slot Cooling fans... I know their are Pci slot Cooling fans, but idk if tey are compatibile inside a pci-e x1 slot.. Any ideas? and links to products

The Fremont experience okay for children around 12 or not?

I'm planning a trip to Las Vegas and people have recommended trying out the Fremont experience at night. I researched it a bit and saw that there'd be a lot of casinos around. I'm planning to go when it's dark around the holiday season, possibly before New Years or on New Years Eve itself. My kid's 12 and I was wondering if it was okay to bring her and if you think she'd have fun there.

Magic the Gathering, what's more useful in this deck?

well as tempting as it is to be able to transmute for removal and card draw, I find it doesn't usually justify playing a more expensive spell over a streamlined, cheap one. Just my experience.

My rats and their new cage?

Okay so we built my rats a cage. It has four levels and wooden ramps that leads to a openign to the next level of the cage. My concern is that they cant figure out how to get to each level. The bottom level doesnt have anything in it yet bout 2nd was food and water 3rd was toys 4th is housing. I was concerned about them being to scarred to leave the house level (b/c they were only in a one level cage before) and not being able to get to their food and water, so i introduced them to each level and let tem hang in each before moving them else where then placing em back into the top floor but they make no attempt to try to explore the other rooms. Right now i have placed them on the second floor with food and water so if they cnt figure how to get up and down. Will they figure out how to explore each floor? oor not??

Problem with my saltwater fish tank and clownfish?

Hi everybody! I have had a 15 gallon saltwater tank with two clownfish for 6 months. I just cleaned the tank 4 days ago and this purple, stringy thing has developed in my tank along with some light green spots. Also for some reason, my clownfish are starting to twitch sometimes for some reason and it seems like they are always picking at each other. What should I do?

Furniture in Houston?

I need a list of good furniture stores in Houston. I'm moving to zipcode 77069 and need living room furniture

Need help identifying a wild flower in NJ?

I've been dedicating quite a bit of time to turning portions of my yard into a perennial garden. I purchased quite a few typical garden plants but would like to include some wild plants indigenous to the area. While driving up to my parents' house yesterday (Warren County), I saw a plethora of purple, lavender and white flowers growing in fields and along the roadsides. They are beautiful and I would love to know what they are. If anyone is familiar with Land of Make Believe, there are a ton of them growing in the field across the road. If anyone has any clue as to what they are, please let me know. Thanks!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Who will portray comedians Abbott and Costello?

Hmmm I think Jim Carey would be a good fit for Abbott and maybe Jack Black as Costello.. It would be great to see a movie about these legends for sure..

Don't you just love these bible quotes..?

God was very judgmental and harsh in the old testament. Then he sent his only begotten son to die for all of our sins and gave us the chance for everlasting life. Now it is up to you. If you don't accept him as your savior He will be just as harsh during your judgment and send you to burn for eternity.

Do you see Obama as one who really has no principles to stand on?

The fact that he will toss his own cronies under the bus when the heat is on (eg., Rev. Wright, Van Jones, etc.) is a clear sign that he is all about personal ambition.

What is happening, for real?

I think this country has some gaping wounds that are self inflicted. We've just blinded ourselves to it so the top 2% can continue to conslidate the wealth of the world while leaving huge numbers of poor and disenfranchised with no social services.

What are the chances of a 14 year old girl from Michigan making it as a tv actress?

Hi, my name is Hanna. I am 14 years old, and from Michigan. I have a dream that is highly unlikely. I wish to be an actress with all my heart. I don't have an agent, my family doesnt have much money, but I have a huge ortment of acting experience and it's something I'm pionate about. I'm curious as to how my chances look. I dream of acting for Dan Schneider. He seems like such a cool dude. But of course I'd take any job I could get thanks

What should i do about my mum? soz bout da spellings below its because there isnt enough space for all letters

i am meant 2 clean da kitchen and my sister is meant 2 do the upstairs bedrooms. yesterday night i was watching sumfin i have been waitin for a long tym. i didnt have skl da nxt day so i told my mum id clean da kitchen straight aftawards but wen i came dwn it was spotless. but den i relised my mum wasnt talkin 2 me n i asked y but she ignored me til da nxt day. 2day i came bck frm da youth club and came to my mum and dad arguing, i was wonderin y but none of them told me so i ignored it and went on da computer den later wen ma dad left 4 his nightshift my mum started shouting at me saying y didnt u tell ur dad he was on the wrong, i kno u love ur dad more than me etc i said i didnt kno wat dey wer arguin bout til now n went bck on the comp, l8er den my mum told me 2 clean upstairs wich ma lil bros mesed up so i said to my mum dats gona take ages so can u tel my sister she has to clean da kichen 4 me afta diner since am cleanin wat she is ment 2 be cleanin she looked at me n walked away

When it comes to the Joker: Romero, Nicholson or Ledger?

ledger is clearly the best. he was the only one who made a real connection to the real world, and so seems so much more threatening. nicholson was more jokey but lets be honest, before anything else the joker is meant to be this great, pure evil, not just some clown, and noone personified that better than ledger. if you met his joker, you would know u were in the presence of pure evil

Will you flee into Canada or Mexico if Jeb Bush is elected president in 2008?

Informed people want to know. Will you take your family and all of your pets? Do you think you will be welcome and accepted?

My doctor prescride me with smz tmp ds 800-160 for mercer is that going to work its been 3 days and i cann't t?

i need to know if this will work because i can't tell and do you know of anything that will help me get red of mercer

Homework help please help?

3 a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Hearing aids question help?

im looking for hearing aids so that i can hear betta and play softball without guessing wat the coach is saying. i heard of one that so small a doctor has to take it out to change battery and i told my mom that would be the only one i would wear so wat is that call i heard on cic hearing aids and it has a string and is not wat im looking for.if i cant find it ill go with that but i want the doctor one first.

The democrats have zero unity, so how can obama win against McCain in November?

hill-billaree is not electable, so she is NOT a part of this equation. The clintons, through their greediness have single-handedly destroyed the democratic party for the remainder of this year at least , if not longer.

Who's better? Leonard Garcia or Uriah Faber?

Urijah would tear him up. Remember how Mike Brown destroyed Leonard? Urijah would likely do the same. I would definitely watch that fight though.

What GCSEs and A levels do i need to become an Architect?

For my GCSEs i have done DT,Geography,History,RS,Math,English,Bio… and French (will be doing a physics one soon) I am sitting my exams in the summer..what minimum grades should i have to study a course at uni? I think im gonna be getting 5 or 6 As and the rest Bs if not all Bs then maybe 1 or 2 Cs.For a level i am going to be doing DT ( Product Design), Geography, Economics, Biology, Photography ( and general studies if i go to a certain school). I am also going to be developing my art skills over the next two years, I may do a course. Any advice? - My careers adviser said id be alright but im worried wether unis will be concerned that i dont do a science or math for A level. ( Photography, and Design are arty - especially when i do art at home anyway)

SO IS THIS WHAT A FASHION INTERNSHIP IS SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE? - try their database. It has lots of internships, job openings and scolarships for college students.

Jw and Christs invisible return????

If Christ will not have a visible return to earth, then how will he be seen by "ALL the tribes of the earth" (Mt 24:30) and by "EVERY eye" (Rev 1:7) when he returns?

Problems with TI Coder?

I am having trouble using TI Coder to write TI basic programs for my TI 84 PS. For some reason, when I save the program, certain white spaces are ignored. It pushes some text together, ignoring the spaces. This happens both on the computer if I reopen the file or transfer it to my calculator. Also, certain commands don't work. I will type in the command "Pause" but when I transfer it to my calculator, the calculator just reads it as the letters P-a-u-s-e and creates a syntax error. I have to clue why any of this happens, nor what to do.

How many calories have i had today bit confused have i had less than 2000cals?

had 2 meal replacements they were about 170 cals each had salad salmon fillet and jacket potatoe for tea with tbls of light soft cheese 2 tbls reduced fat coleslaw supper had small tin fruit tail and a cherry muller light. trying to maintain my weight as coming of the cambridge diet after losing 6 stone in 6 months but confused with calories thanks

Does it matter you in the long run what undergraduate you go to?

I like Cal Poly SLO because it is a great university at a great price. Besides, my family is low on money and i want to graduate with as little debt as possible. But then again, my dream college has always been Cornell. Do you think it would matter in the long run which university I go to? in terms of job opportunities, internships, etc.? I'm going into engineering btw. Thanks

I have a boyfriend that seriously thinks I have a serious problem because I dont like watching bloody, tv show?

He likes shows like True Blood, and Spartacus, Gladiator type movies, I really dont like them. He thinks I seriously need therapy and brings it up in arguments like there is something seriously wrong with me, and I must have an underlying past tramatic issues to not want to watch with him. What do you suggest I say to him, or do I have a problem????

Synapomorphies that unite all mammals.?

List four synapomorphies that unite all mammals. Provide an advantage that each of these adaptations provided mammals in contrast to the reptilian primitive condition.

Back in the 70's in Los Angeles there was a fast food chain with a western theme?

The restaurants sign was shaped like and had a boot spur on it. One location was on the north side of Pico between Fairfax and Doheny, another was on Crenshaw. Does anyone remember the name of this defunct restaurant chain?

Comment my poem, full of alliteration, everyone comment please :)....?

The alliteration is wonderful and the poem is very well written. It is intriguing and powerful in its imagery as well. You have a lot of talent, and I hope you continue to post your poems. Thank you.

Positivity involves lying to yourself?

I've been reading about positive thinking and affirmations and I'm not quite sure I understand how it is alignment with reality. For example, from Susan Jeffers' book 'Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway', the phrase "i hope [this thing] will happen" is considered negative and has the standpoint of a victim, while "i know [this thing] will happen" is considered positive thinking. If don't really know that [this thing] -- getting a certain job, winning the lottery or meeting a certain person -- will happen then I'm not speaking in accord with reality and am being dishonest. I have trouble making myself believe things that I know are not true. Am I viewing this from the wrong context?

My R4 won't launch my games anymore?

dont listen to david,its the web site your downloading it from,and plus its a new game,wait for about 3 days,try a new site then download it. you have to wait till users put the game on the takes a while cause its new.

I think I have an eating disorder... is it one?

Well I can never eat. The less I eat, the better I feel. I'm about 5'8", 120 pounds, && I'm not THAT skinny, but I can't eat without getting seriously sick, with either puking (which is rare but it does happen) or getting migranes. But every once in a while, I'll be STARVING && eat a bunch of food without getting sick. I've already dealt with anorexia a few years ago && I was treated again for malnutrition a few months ago... so what should I do? I honestly don't know what's wrong with me... but the headaches are the worst pains I've ever felt, && I just want to know what I can do to make them stop. I don't have many body issues... I just wish I was a bit skinnier, but otherwise I have pretty high confidence.

Whats happening in my house?

A while ago my family and I moved into our new house, it’s like a yellow rundown looking thing but my mom thought it had charm. Anyway a couple of months after we had just moved in weird things started happening, puddles of water started forming in center of the floor where there is nowhere they could have leaked from. Every now and again I see black shapes out of the corner of my eyes. We also smell sulfur and burning smells and then they disappear. I was up one night sitting on the couch and it felt as though something was caressing my chest. My brother and I were in his room and we heard the high pitch scream of a woman, and then a man yelling “get back here!” In very dark places of the house you will get a really cold chill and the feeling of being watched by someone. A lot of times there is a feeling of being watched or touched or breathed on. There are also a lot of crashes and bangs that seem to come from nowhere at all but you know they were there. I woke up on night about 12:00 or 12:30 to about a 6 foot tall black shadowy figure pacing up and down the hall outside my room and then it just stopped and slowly looked up at me. I was sitting up eating breakfast at the nook and heard someone playing camp town races very slowly and eerily on a harpsichord. I was sitting beside my dog one day and he all of a sudden just looked up at me with this kind of scared hazy look in his eyes and lunged up at my face and bit my nose pretty much in half, I had to get 5 stitches in my nose just to close it back up. The dog has never been violent, mean or anything he’s usually very timid and shy and just wants to be rubbed. When my dad was in the hospital my brother heard someone in our fathers bed moaning. We told our dad about this and we found out that he was moaning in his hospital bed around the same time as my brother hearing what he heard. Around when we first moved in to our house my grandparents came to stay the night with us and they said that as they slept the felt a presence at the end of their bed. Not sure if it really matters or not, but we recently got a couple of cats, and things haven’t stopped but they have kind of calmed down. All of my family members have head people calling them by name and saying things to them by name. One thing that makes me curious is why they have all been called by name and I haven’t (not that I want to be or anything). If anyone could please give me some insight into this it would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.

If my lymph node biopsy came back inconclusive.Can my cancer (Bilateral) spread other ways?

Yes, it can also spread through your blood. It doesn’t happen often, but I have seen cases with negative nodes and positive metastasis. Your work up should include a PET scan, bone scan and an MRI. These tests should give you more answers. Good luck.

Okay this is the radio (for the sake of fun) what is the next song...?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Can I use a prepaid envelope to send to another person?

I get unsolicited offers from credit card companies and I am wondering I I place a sticker over the addressee and send it to another addressee?

I'm trying to decide which culinary school(s) are best for me & have the highest level of teaching?

I recently visited my sister in Atlanta GA, and Ive had an interest in a career in culinary for a while. So while I was down there I took interest and a tour of the Art Institute for Culinary and a Le Cordon Bleu location. I have to say I prefer Le Cordon Bleu since they are 100% devoted to just culinary arts; but word of mouth tells me that the CIA is the best, yet, most expensive school? I wish to become a master chef and one day chef/owner of my own restaurant and I'm looking for the best and most rewarding degree. I'm currently living in Rochester NY, which is upstate NY so either way I'd have to move to go to school but I'm trying to make the best choice here before I make such a big decision to move and whatnot. Any suggestions, my advice so far was to ask people in the field.

Do you know what percentage of the cells in your body are human?

Of the 100 trillion cells inside each one of us, only 10% are actually human. The rest belong to aliens: bacteria, fungi, and other microbes.

After 3 years bf says we mismathc? why he was asking me to wait then?

my bf hid that his parents and brother were charged under Dowry case by brother's wife. And he made me wait for 1 year by saying that we wud marry once brother;s divorce settled. We had seeing each other for 3 yrs now. And on insisting him to give me a definite time of marriae, even if its end of this year or next year, but to give a Definite time frame....he broke-up saying he ddnt think we matched! Then why kept me waiting? Did he not see mismatch before?

Repair heat damage on a Firewire alternator?

Left my board in it's bag leaning against an outside light. The light burned through the bag and create a dent in the bottom of the board. It's not through to foam, just an pretty sizable indent. Any advice on how to repair it? Just fill it using an epoxy ding repair kit?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Does anyone else find fashion models ugly?

I am a hetero 20-something male and don't find fashion models attractive at all. Is this strange? I think models in Playboy and Maxim are really good looking but for some reason the clothes models look just like little boys to me. Why do they use such unappealing women?

Why when I move a game folder from the C:/ drive can I no longer install any expansions even when moved back?

I've been having loads of trouble trying to install CivIV:Warlords expansion but its hopeless. I keep getting the error CivIV is not installed, is there anyway I can install the game without reinstalling Civ? (Lost the disks?) If anyone can help it would be appreciated.

Why have fiscal conservatives let the tea party movement be hijacked by the religious right?

What happened to small government? It seems like all of these tea party candidates are more interested in legislating morality than eliminating government waste. Why aren't fiscal conservatives complaining or pushing their candidates?

My period pains are horrible, i throw up and faint and can't eat what can make them better?

I am 13 i have had my period for 3 years and today they got a lot worse, i throw up when i take pills, i cant eat and feel nauseous so i throw up but there is nothing in my stomach so i puke my stomach acids and 2 hours ago i fainted for about a minute. i am really clammy and feel hot and cold at the same time can anyone help me?

How to make an abridged series?

what do i need to make an abridged series like megami33,s sailor moon abridged vegeta3986 & mosako x,s naruto abridged and lanipator,s yu yu hakusho abridged. what do i need to make one i have a new laptop with Windows Movie Maker and dvds of the anime i want to abridge what is everything that i need sorry if my spelling is off

How can i get rid of my arm fatt without going to the gym?

When you come home from the groceries, carry all the bags. Anytime you use your arms, it's exercise.

What are these large blood clots? Possible miscarriage?

Just a very heavy period. I've had those before. Painful cramps until a clot comes out. Ew! I do something strange and funny in the shower.. I cough and spread my legs so most of it come out. LOL! Sorry, I just get fascinated by the little things. I suggest you don't use a tampon, just let it flow and come out. Just use one for overnight with an overnight pad. Hope it helps!

Why quartz sand is preferred in cement mortar industries to bag it instead of river sand.?

electrical resistivity may be a cause,but why river sand cant take the place of ready mix dry mortar of cement sand mix when packed in bags for long time for plastering, brick -block laying of walls.cracks in walls develops due to good river sand or due to cement if standard ratio maintained.why quartz sand cement mortar manufacturer guaranteed for non cracking of walls.why cement manufactures are using quartz silica sand for their quality cement.

Varicose veins on Labia Minora..?

Hello, I am an 18 year old woman with a rather uncomfortable condition, varicose veins(I ume that's what they are) on my right Labia Minora.. I have had them for about a month now.. I have not seeked medical help as I thought they may go away on their own. It is very uncomfortable for me to do a lot of things, mainly sitting. Could anyone give me some advice on what's happening/how to help get rid of them? I a virgin so it's impossible I'm pregnant.

What position would I play?

I am 5' 3 and 97 pounds and in a 7th and 8th grade league for basketball. I am okay at shooting and okay a dribbling and can make beastly lay-ups. I am also a very dominate defensive player and average 3 blocks per game last season. Everyone on my team is around might height... What position do I play?? This is not a question i need but more of a way to see how smart the average brain is.

Why is my hair so greasy after i wash it?

For the past couple months my hair has been super greasy and my mom tells me not to wash it every other day but it's DISGUSTING!!!! I try not to wash it as often as I can because i semi-permanent dye my hair and I dont want the color to come out...I've been using Nexxus shampoo and i recently stopped using the conditioner and sometimes it actually dries greasy..and I'm 16. I've also tried baby powder and that doesnt work...I've also tried dry shampoo sprays and that doesnt work either.. and I've also tried using cold water before i get outta the shower but it doesnt seem to help...What can I do so i dont hafta wash my hair so my color washes out.please help :( Thanks<3

Is this a proper response?

I don't see anything particularly offensive, depending how involved you two are. Except how could you forget to mention that they sell Slurpees at 7-11?

Washing machine problem?

I have a Kenmore washing machine, and recently it's been stopping spinning whenever it reaches the "auto fluff" stage. because it stops spinning, the water in the clothes does not wring out completely. does anybody know how to solve this problem? Thank you!

What would be the average price for a Smith & Wesson .38 special blue/black 6shot revolver w/5" barrel?

The gun has minimal rust and has its serial numbers on the . No visible alterations. I ume it is clean.

If Alaskans are so proud of Palin, how come they are questioning her credentials?

What credentials? Mayor of a town of 8000 people? Governor of a state of 600,000 people? And for less than two years! BIG mistake.

Question about Bleach TCG?

What's the difference between the Soul Society and Seireitei expansion sets for the Bleach TCG? It seems like they would the same thing to me...

I have a automotive pblm...?

am having a pulsar bike if i ride above 70 the bike will get cut off thats means the bike getter slow.. i ask the mechanic for rectification..he says the power coil or CDI unit will failure it seems.. thats says correct or wrong? can u tell me watz the price of CDI unit..?

Survey about body proportions! Quick experiment here!?

I can't be bothered reading all this....send me a quick summary and I'll get back to you in the morning.

Air force question...?

I would like to be in the air force. I want to be a nurse anesthetists in the air force does that mean i have to go to military training? If they pay for you to go to school for anesthetist wouldn't that mean i would be treating the wounded or people in need of anesthetics for surgery? And would i be put up for war or would i just work in my field? Please answer for me in as much detail as possible. Thanks...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fallout 3 for playstation 3 cheat codes?

hi im like totally stuck on going to rivet city,theres tones of super mutants and they kill there any cheatcodes tat give me infinite health or ammo,please help

Antenna booster or just replace my wireless G with wireless N?

i am using wireless G d-link dir 300 right now, and i wanted to increase the range of my wifi. should i buy an antenna booster or should i replace the router with a wireless N d-link dir 615 instead? both costs the same. i do know antenna's are old school though. i wna know which one can give me a better range.

Getting from LaGuardia to ord Hotel - 700 8th AVe?

go airlink is the best.. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What do you write in the annotated part of an annotated bibiography?

I had to do this for an internship once. Basically you very briefly summarize the main idea of the source and give a short explanation of why it is reliable and relevant.

Whats this song I really need help!?

I worked at rick's night club in seattle and there was a hip hop song that would come on there was a female voice that would sing ah-aah in the back groundover and over.. and i think the lyrics are (but not sure) hey, baby, what's that sound? everybody break it down

Fantasy football mock draft?

not to bad my son, not bad at the moss pick in the 15th round thats prolly the steal of the draft in the the real draft though stay away from chris johnson....the dude is aewsome yeah, but he knows he is awesome and wants the titans to show him the money......i dont think they will esspecially with the drop off this past season compared to the monster season before so if you believe what he says he is going to hold out....and we all know how crap running backs are that hold out....out of shape and out of sink with the offense...plusteams are going to be killing him cuz they wont have a ping game....god knows what qb is going to be under center then once thats sorted whos he going to throw to??? britt will almost certainly be going for 4-6games cuz he is a nut bag so you just dont want to bother.......draft all day in cj's place and you will be on of the team is solid try to get another tight end as well in the real draft just to cover yourself with the buy weeks and injuries....especially if your wanting owen daniels you never no if he will stay healthy the full season....all the best though you did well....good luck

In today's world, which group most embodies the characteristics of Ebenezer Scrooge?

CEOs are. Why? Right now they are using the technology available to take jobs from america and employ people in India and Philippines who earn $24 / day. That is $5,800 / year. Now a CEO gets $12M / year. And $12 M / $5,800 = 2,,070 times more. In other words ,Philipinos pay checks = 1 CEO paycheck. Or, 1 Philipino would have to work 2,070 years to get what a CEO gets in 1 year.

Good l96a1 black ops cl?

There really isn't a certain cl thats best. You gotta use what YOU think is best and what you play better with. Switch around with the perks and see what suits you most.

Careers in Forestry without a degree?

I am a logger. I also am a trained EMT and firefighter. I got into logging before college. I suggest you get a degree in forestry if thats what you are interested in. If not, there's really only one option, logging. I'll tell you right now, you'll die poor unless you go to college. In the old days, it was different, but now, you need a degree. You won't be a logger forever. Other than logging, theres not much for a person to do in forestry without a degree.

Can a girl really just forget about someone she really cares about?

She really cares about? It's a long story, but I mean she is just forgetting about me. Things were so good, I mean great. But she's forgetting about me. She won't speak to me. I'm giving her space, but it's like I've just dropped off of the face of the earth. Heck, this weekend we were supposed to go to a wedding together, and I didn't even get a de-invitation. She just won't talk to me. I am giving her plenty of space. I said hey on facebook the other day and she just won't talk. I mean I don't know what else to do..what we had was so real, but being headstrong can she relaly just forget about me? Because right now that's what she's doing. Will she come around eventually?

Have quit frequent urination. Doctor put me on meds for enlarged prostate.?

After that didn't help he ordered a cycostopy. Showed bladder was good and prostate enflamed. PSA level came back good. Have been on sulfameth/trimethoprim 800/160 for 5 days. Also been on a BHP pill. When should i notice a difference or what would the next step be

Translation please, from arabic?

Roooooooo7 7bibii Ro7 Sho Badak Feya Ensani Etrkni L7alii ,, Ya 7bibii Ro7 Bekafi Jroo7 Ana Knt nNetak Sho Ele Jabk 3a Bali

Will giving up junk food help me loose weight and what is considered as junk food?

I've checked out every diet known to man but nothing worked as good as acai berry. I realize they say that pills won't work, but they sure worked for me, and they've been shown on CBS News too. There is a free trial on right now at , try it out, what is the worst that could happen?

What should i expect from my first midwife appt?

Well basically shell ask questions about your family history and of course how you feel the pregnancy is going. She will arrange your scan with your local hospital and will send you for a blood test which youll also have to take a urine sample along too. Youll be given a bounty pack which has lots of helpful stuff in and a green book called pregnancy notes which you have to keep with you when your further along in your pregnancy in case of problems and also will weigh you.

Why would the White House call al qaeda racist after the attack in Africa, when they kill all races of people?

You don't know much about how Middle Easterners perceive blacks huh? They kill white US military men because they're at war. When a Middle Easterner kills an African they see it as killing an Animal. Do some research into how black skin is perceived in places like India, Egypt and Western China

I can't get my [hp psc 1210xi all-in-one printer, scanner, copier ]to work!?

Actually to tell you the truth I do have it installed but the thing is that I can't get the scanner part to work. I try to scan somethin and it come up on my computer screen but it never does! I don't even know what program to use to get the paper in the scanner to show up! ANY HELP!!!!???!!!!

How much should I charge for wedding photography?

what i would suggest is that you do some research on some of the local photographers in your area that you would be competing with. get an idea of what they offer and how much they charge, then make your determination from there.

Does this novel idea sound like a rip-off? Your opinion?

It sounds kind of like Harry Potter.. a little bit... but as long as you make the magic school, the magic spells, and the way they cast spells original, it'll be great. Personally, I don't like the whole wand idea; hurr hurr, a wizard's power rests only in this... breakable stick. What?? So maybe have them just do it with their hands or something.

I'm on JSA and have a sicknote, what should I do with it?

I am currently on a work placement that the job centre have put me on so obviously cant do it (for 2weeks) not sure if I am to take the sick note to the job centre and I'd get signed off etc or give it to my supervisor on my work placement? Can anyone help me please

Do you think I am arrogant to show?

I used to be made fun of in my college because i was overweight. So I started to lift weights and do running and is now a ripped 180 pounder. I start to wear muscle tees to show off my muscles many times a day and some of the people who teased me feel I am arrogant because I am showing off my muscles and my six pack but I dont consider myself to since I was teased.


okay i have my cell phone and i forgot my code number it in vales using the numbers 8 2 and 3 can you please think of the all the number using those in the thousand place!!!! for ex) 8322

Pistons/Suns/Sixers Trade Rumor?

Great for the sixers uming A.I. doesnt make a big deal about being benched. Suns great a good SF, but lose valuable post offense inside. Pistons have nothing to build on this year and Amare will just leave in the offseason. So Detroit wouldn't do this unless they bring in more surrounding talent and can be sure they can lock-up Amare long term. Suns might be skeptical to pull the trigger either.

What is the approximate $ value of the original Utica Club Schultz & Dooley beer steins.?

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MY 1998 Ford Mustang is on the Fritz... Please Help Me Out...? PT. 2?

if the car is acting like it is going to stall, you may want to go get the battery tested. they do it for free at your local auto zone, or advanced autoparts. if your looking to get some more power back into it. you might want to replace the heads, i know that as they get worn over time if you throw a fresh set on there it will feed a lot of power back into the engine.

How can i stop my 2 1/2 yr old boy to stop hittin my 5 yr old daughter (will be 5 in DEC. 2007)?

Don't encourage it by telling her to hit him back! Take away what's near and dear to him. If that doesn't do it, take away every single toy that he owns and tell them he can earn them back one toy for every day that he makes it without hitting. That outta do it.

What is the smallest breed of lionfish in the world?

capabal of being in a 29 galoon with hermit ,a screen divider,2 clownfish common,a pipefish,somecorals and a cleaner package with like a starfish,3-4hermit,cleaner shrimp,and an urchan. will the pipefish or anything get stung by the clowns anemone.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Microsoft word- how do i annotate things in my essay?

i need to put little numbers on some thinga i write and then say where i got them from att he bottom of the page. what do i use to do that?

Have I lost my cat forever??

Its upsetting when cats go on a walkabout, my tom used to do this all the time (Sometimes for weeks) and I would be Sooooooo worried. Give it till tommorrow and if he's not home, start asking about to see if anyones seen him. I take it he usually comes home every night?? If no one knows his whereabouts then you can report him to the RSPCA who will keep a check on all the resue centres and wardens to see if he has been picked up. I hope this helps and I hope he returns to you soon. Cats are so and they like to scare the living daylights out of you!!!! But try not to worry x

David Archuleta Record Deal???

I was just wondering if anyone knew for a fact that David Archuleta was signed on with Jive Record Company?? It's been floating around the internet lately and I wasn't too sure if it was true or not....thanks =)

Car and flooding, engine problem, help me please?

depending on how high the water was i would do an oil change if it was high enough or at least look at the oil to see if it looks milky also check the air filter housing vehicles have intakes that run low on the vehicle that will suck up water into the engine just check to see if the filter is wet

Would the new original art version of Obelisk the Tormentor be legal?

I have gotten the original art Obelisk the Tormentor in Jump magazine a while back and noticed a few things. I know that the god cards are banned because they have a "hidden" effect. That effect being properly igned to each one and can only be recited by memory making them banned. Such as using a Japanese card in the American nationals. However, since the original art obelisk is the only god card that shows it's effect and not on the official banned list does it make it legal to have it in a deck or no?

If I do not respond to Amex request for 4506-t, will that affect the rest of my credit cards?

American Express froze / put a hold on my credit card and when I received a call, they said they need 4506-t signed and sent back to them because I am under review. My limit is low, I pay my payments, my credit is good. I do not feel comfortable sending them this information. If i do not send the information will anything besides my Amex be affected? If I do send them the 4506-t will the rest of my credit cards me affected? Amex is my lowest credit line card that's why i do not want to pay attention too much, but was wondering if any action on this will affect the rest of my cards.

Could I have pancreatic cancer?

okay...even i realize that this sounds ridiculous. I've been having this weird pain underneath my left ribcage. It kinda feels like a cramp (never had my period). it comes and goes. the pain is very very dull. it doesn't always feel like pain, but just some really weird feeling. I have been under a ton of stress lately...this is the worst year of my life...anyways. I think i am turning into a completely hypochondriac or just really anxious because all medical things freak me out. ex: if i get a headache, i'm afraid i have a braintumor...etc....anyways. all i ever think about is this weird feeling/pain underneath my left rib. The reason why i want it to go away isn't because it is really uncomfortable, but because it is freaking me out. Anyways...i'm thirteen yrs old, dont drink alcohol or soda, dont smoke, dont have diabetes, no family history...whadduya think?

Am I over reacting???

The guy that I have seeing he lives out of town now. He told me he is coming down to see me, our mutual friend knows when but since he wants to make it a suprise she can't tell me. Well it has been a couple weeks and I am now getting pissy waiting to hear him knocking on my door. Am I over reacting and letting my impatience get the best of me? Thanks for ur advice.

My Bunny had a head tilt, took him to vet, then he died last night.... please help?

We had Thumper for three and a half years since he was a baby. Yesterday we came home after an hour to find him flopping around violently with a head tilt and his good eye was rolling to the back of his head, within the hour we took him to a vet and they gave him an injection of liquids and antibiotics and told us it looked like his hear was swollen shut so they diagnosed him with an middle ear infection. they told us to wrap towels around him and keep him stable in his cat carrier (he usually has a wrap around cage to run in) last night we gave him some food via sering and we went to bed. he looked quite comfortable as he was laying calmly. This morning we woke up to find that he ped away. Did the vet mis diagnose him, what would make him die in such a short period of time. i have read and been told that they usually make it through these things. If you might have some educated suggestions please let me know, i am really upset by this.

What would match these shoes?

well... you dont want to wear anything girly with those , maybe some skinny jeans , not to dark or to light , and a cute t-shirt (:

Answer this riddle: How many men does it take to answer one woman's question in the GWS section?

Hahahahaha.....I would answer JUST ONE....even if you get a lot of answers, it is usually one guy under a ton of different avatars.

Do you think Alan Shepard deserved command of Apollo 14 or do you think he was unjustly awarded that flight?

He leap-frogged astronauts who put in more time and hard work. A lot of them were disgruntled over this. I don't blame them.

How do you know if your always touching on your wife to much?

I have been married for 40 years and my wife and i still hug and touch each other several times a day. The excitement is still there and has never left. You should be the one to feel lucky and flattered.

What do you think could be wrong with my mouth?

A couple days ago I was brushing my teeth and noticed that while brushing it was a little sore on my cheeks, I looked and there was a small red sore like spot, not open or anything. Yesterday after dinner I noticed that I felt funny while eating and I checked and the insides of my cheeks, and inside my lips are all swollen and have splotchy red spots, it isn't super noticable swelling, but enough that I have that chipmunk feel and its kind of annoying because my front teeth keep catching on the inside of my lips. Any ideas? I haven't eaten or been exposed to anything new so I don't think allergic reaction is it, I have no idea. Thanks for your help.

Christan women, how come it does not bother you that the bible is so ist?

Why do atheists commonly mention the Bible, when MOST Christians especially the young ones like myself hardly recognize it? The Bible was written by man, not Christ, WE DO NOT WORSHIP a book. Get that through your head.

What is the volume of the gas at 21.80 degree Cel and 0.996 atm?

A sample of an ideal gas has a volume of 3.30 L at 14.80 degrees Celsius and 1.70 atm. What is the volume of the gas at 21.80 degrees Celsius and 0.996atm?

What do you think of singer Janelle Monae?

she is one of the weirdest persons iv ever seen, she looks 12 but she acts and talks 30 but at the same time i like her, shes a sweetheart, and her music sounds okay, she reminds me of andre 3000 from outkast

Ballroom dancing?

Is studying it worth it?? i wanna study it. But I'm to shy to enrole on this dance school. Is studying it worth it?? What is the best dance in ball room (jive, tango, manbo, etc.)

Rifle zeroing help. HURRY!?

Try this first remove the bolt..set the weapon on sand bags or some type of bench rest and look down the bore from the chamber side of the weapon and line it up with the target bulls eye (set at 50 yds). After this try not to move the rifle and look through the scope. Carefully adjust the cross hairs (this is where it can get tricky) to where they are on the target dead center. The tricky part is I like to tap the scope lightly when I adjust the cross hairs..each and every time I move may have to re-adjust the bore to stay on center of the target bulls eye. Once you have done this your pretty much bore sighted and can squeeze off a shot to see where it prints on paper and the process (excluding the removal of the bolt of course) starts all over again. Once you have it printing at the bull use 3 shot groups just to make sure. After your satisfied it is the time to move out to 75yds. squeeze off a round and make adjustments..them it's on to 100 yds and so on till you get it where you want in yards for a zero...then it's all fine tuning from there. It is time consuming to do this drill I know..If you want you can buy a bore sight kit.. but why spend the money on something you really don't have to?

Sitting here and cryinq!!! I hurt my mom!!!?

Okk, soo, they were painting the walls in my moms room and it smells like paint so she sleep on the couch all the time. Today, she came in my room and asked me if she can sleep in one of my bunk beds because her back hurts from the couch...first, I told her "idk" and she was like "ok" and walked away then she came back in and asked again..i don't remeber what I said but she ended up like, "Kristina, all you care about is yourself! You always do this. Always. You don't care for your mom or anyone around you" she's always stressed..including about my dad (long story) I'm afraid my mom won't forgive me this time. God is probably mad with me too. Ive made so much sins. My life is crashing. My stomach is kicking. I feel like yelling.

Are waivers accepted at UCs?

My counselor told me that for csus, if 2 years of language other than english are required but you have taken an a.p. cl that is for a language other than english then you only need to take one year. Is this also true for UC's???

How come in the NFL, teams that go far into the playoffs or to the Super Bowl, end up doing horrible the next?

next season and so on? For example, the 2002 Oakland Raiders, they made it all the way to the Super Bowl and lost, since then the Raiders have not been to the playoffs, they have been a disaster since the following 2003 season. The 2006 Chicago Bears, they made it all the way to the Super Bowl and lost to the Colts, and they did not make the playoffs in 2007 and last year 2008, and it looks like the Bears will not make it to the playoffs again this year. The Tennesse Titants went 13-3 last year and now look at them? they are 4-6 at the moment. Why is it so hard to keep a winning tradition alive in the NFL? but it's so much easier in high school and college football?