Thursday, August 11, 2011

Whats happening in my house?

A while ago my family and I moved into our new house, it’s like a yellow rundown looking thing but my mom thought it had charm. Anyway a couple of months after we had just moved in weird things started happening, puddles of water started forming in center of the floor where there is nowhere they could have leaked from. Every now and again I see black shapes out of the corner of my eyes. We also smell sulfur and burning smells and then they disappear. I was up one night sitting on the couch and it felt as though something was caressing my chest. My brother and I were in his room and we heard the high pitch scream of a woman, and then a man yelling “get back here!” In very dark places of the house you will get a really cold chill and the feeling of being watched by someone. A lot of times there is a feeling of being watched or touched or breathed on. There are also a lot of crashes and bangs that seem to come from nowhere at all but you know they were there. I woke up on night about 12:00 or 12:30 to about a 6 foot tall black shadowy figure pacing up and down the hall outside my room and then it just stopped and slowly looked up at me. I was sitting up eating breakfast at the nook and heard someone playing camp town races very slowly and eerily on a harpsichord. I was sitting beside my dog one day and he all of a sudden just looked up at me with this kind of scared hazy look in his eyes and lunged up at my face and bit my nose pretty much in half, I had to get 5 stitches in my nose just to close it back up. The dog has never been violent, mean or anything he’s usually very timid and shy and just wants to be rubbed. When my dad was in the hospital my brother heard someone in our fathers bed moaning. We told our dad about this and we found out that he was moaning in his hospital bed around the same time as my brother hearing what he heard. Around when we first moved in to our house my grandparents came to stay the night with us and they said that as they slept the felt a presence at the end of their bed. Not sure if it really matters or not, but we recently got a couple of cats, and things haven’t stopped but they have kind of calmed down. All of my family members have head people calling them by name and saying things to them by name. One thing that makes me curious is why they have all been called by name and I haven’t (not that I want to be or anything). If anyone could please give me some insight into this it would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.

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