Sunday, August 14, 2011

Scoliosis: serious problem. Please help!?

I am a female and 14 years old. I have been diagnosed with scoliosis over a year ago. I was diagnosed a 36 degree thoracic curve (on top), and a very small degree of a lumbar curve (lower down). The doctor (and surgeon) i went to said I should try the Boston Brace. I wore that brace for one year, 18 hours a day. I took an x-ray a year later, and saw that my scoliosis became worse by 15 degrees on top, and it was now a 20 degree curve on the bottom. Now i have a 51 degree curve on top. My mother is trying to do everything she can in order for me not to undergo surgery. She has found a place in Germany, called Katharina Schroth. It is a clinic were patients live there for about 5 weeks, where they perform exercises and stretches to (as they say) help the curves decrease. Here in America, many back doctors and surgeons do not believe that this method helps, however there are written records that it does. I am on the waiting list for this clinic, and I will be sent there in November. For now, I am wearing a brace, made in Germany, called the Cheneau Brace. Recently, I have heard about the SpineCor Brace. Can someone please tell me whether this brace will help my scoliosis curves to decrease in degrees? I am trying everything possibly to not undergo a surgery on my spine. Someone please help me about what I should do... any experiences? Any suggestions or help will be greatly appreciated.

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