Thursday, August 18, 2011

Outfit for First Day of High School?

So i start my freshman year:))) in a few weeks, and i have no clue what to wear. I was really hoping some of you polyvore pros could throw something together to help me out, but if you just wanna type out your suggestions, thats cool too. Just keep in mind that my style is boho and earthy, pretty laid back with a Cali vibe (think the hills, or lc!! haha); not edgy at allll. Also, i live in alabama, its pretty hot in august, so no jeans or sleeves please? thanks:)

If you lived in the 1600's what would your job be? what would your life be like?

i would captain a ship in the british royal navy. i would sail off the coast of africa and plunder enemy ships. when i had enough loot i would buy my own ship but get a charter from the queen so i could still plunder enemy ships. i would still sail the coast of africa but i would concentrate more on being a merchant. buying goods from africa, sailing them far away and making alot of money from them. and back then in africa they considered gl beads high currency and gold and diamonds were even below the gl beads, i still would not take advantage of them though. you could still be filthy rich without doing that.


ok so my mom was driving in the winn dixie parking lot when she noticed a animal on the ground. she thought it was a dead animal but cars kept going around it. so she pulled up next to it and saw that it was a very small puppy. she took it home and it wont do much. it just stays close to u and tries to cuddle up nxt to u. and it wont eat or drink. and it walks weird, like it ducks close to the ground. we think it is too young to be away from its mother or eat or drink water. the puppy also has bald spots on its back. the skin is its natural skin color and feels normal. just bald. i was wondering if it could be mange? also how do puppies get mange? and is it contagious to other dogs? (we have 4 dogs)

Clic but original names for a baby girl?

My husband and I are expecting this summer and are trying to come up with some baby name ideas.. So far names that sound clic have really caught our attention, but not overused ones like Elizabeth, Grace. We like Beatrice a lot, as well as Emmeline and January. We are also considering a bit more unique names with cultural significance, such as Scout and Hero. (From To Kill a Mockingbird and Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing, respectively). Any thoughts about these names, or other suggestions? Thanks! x

To kill a mocking bird questions best awnser 10 points?

atticus, thoughtful, nathan radley, Miss Maudie understands that Scout deserves respect. Tom believes that his appeal is doomed to fail. The narrator and the reader have similar experiences. Everyone should be treated with respect. after Scout�s first day of school, when Atticus discusses the Ewells with her. Boo kills Bob Ewell when he attacks the Finch children. third-person point of view. It stands for hurting the innocent. hostile, angry. They become bitter and resentful of many people in Maycomb. He treats them respectfully and with understanding. They have all helped to care for Mrs. Dubose. Understanding people is the way to overcome his own prejudices.

Wii Fit in Newcastle Upon Tyne?

Anyone know if there are any shops in Newcastle that have Wii Fits in stock at the mo? I tried all over the place last week but couldn't find one. Thank you x x x

Should the oral interview vis-a-vis the Viva -Vice be banned?

we talk of level playing field. what we overlook that appointments to PVT firms are mostly based on the oral interview conducted by the chosen representatives of the employers. And this is the lethal weapon that those so called impartial Brahmin First uses to reject best of the lower csate candidates .